Membership & Rates
The Woodstock Lawn Bowling Club is a friendly and welcoming organization. We are more than happy to have you join our community and to teach you all you need to know about this sport.
All you need to participate are flat-soled shoes or sneakers. You are welcome to wear whatever clothing suits your style and comfort. The special balls, called bowls, that are used to play the game may be borrowed from the Club.
If you are a first timer to the game and want to get a feel for our Club, use the Contact Us form to send us an email or stop by any Monday, Tuesday or Thursday evening between 6:30 – 9:00 pm to watch, learn or to just say hello. Why not also enjoy a beverage on a summer evening?
The schedule for the summer of 2025 is:
Mondays: 4-3-2-1 format
Tuesdays: Jitney
Thursdays: Jitney
Our season runs from the week after the May 24 weekend through to mid-September. In a Jitney, our most popular format, teams are randomly made up from the individuals who show up for the game. In a Jitney, you play with different people each time. Two games are played each evening. In the 4-3-2-1 format, each player throws four bowls. After all the bowls have been played, the bowl closest to the Jack scores 4 points, the next scores 3 points, the next two points and the next one point. The maximum amount of points that can be accrued by any one individual in one end of play is 10 points. The individual with the most points upon completion of a game (usually 8 ends) is the victor.
Youth: $40
New Member: $75
Regular Member: $150